Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yes, 2 posts on 1 day...

Just had to include these two beautiful daughter! Yes, I'm a very proud mom...she's growing into a gracious young woman (s-l-o-w-l-y, but SURELY). =) =) =) =) =)

It's been so long...

Okay, so I said I couldn't remember how all this'll read that below... =) So this whole entry is topsy turvey!!! Anyway I forgot to mention that on May 21, 2008 Steve & I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary...and that Matthew was recently home...saw sissy march & cheer at a football game and then spent the weekend camping with his dad. It was a nice visit....he'll be back in November and bring his WIFE....yay. He's been home twice without her. The first time he was in a wedding shortly after theirs and they could not afford to fly both of them and on the trip back south...Matthew volunteered to get off an overbooked flight and thus was given a credit....this is what he used recently. Can you believe this was the first weekend for just father & son....long overdue! For all my pics and info create an account at Facebook and you see all my photo albums...I think I'm approaching about 40 of them. Toodles for now....

I don't know if I even know or remember how to work things here...I spend all my time on Facebook and yes, I really abandoned Xanga, as much as I liked that site. I finally got a site on My Space, but that's really just to spy...keeping up with my kiddo....although, now she's made all her comments from others private because too many people were getting "all up in her business" as she would I think she was smart to do that, but so much for "spying" now! =)

We had the most beautiful weather this was truly amazing and reminded Steve & I why we moved back north. We only ran our AC a couple of times...I'm telling you AMAZING people and it's forcasted to be mid 70's this insande, it's October, but shh....I'm not complaining. Tomorrow's football game should be great...not too cold or warm...just the way I like them.

Okay so I'm gonna try to post some pics if I remember how...since my last entry...Caitlin went to her 1st prom, she spent the month of July in Austin, TX with her brother and new sis-in-law (that's sounds so teenage daughter has a sister-in-law...) She also wants to be an aunt...but I told her to hold her horses on that one...!!!! heheheheheh

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

They're MARRIED....!!!

Okay, Okay, Okay, people...I know I've been ridiculously slow about getting this post up! But my life has been crazy for the last few months...The actual date of the wedding was February 02, 2008. I went to Texas a couple of weeks early to help with the final stages of planning. It was so wonderful to have that special time with my son and my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. I will TREASURE it always!!! I created a really cool slideshow with music and graphics, etc. etc. And there are problems with it...:-( I spent many hours on this and am very disappointed!!! If I ever get the kinks worked out I will post it the mean time I will try to select a few good pics for your enjoyment...much love to everyone!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Family Pix

This was actually taken in September when Matt & Lisa were here for Caitlin's Birthday.

Grand Champions!!!

This past weekend Caitlin's Stunt Cheer Squad participated in their first competition of the season. They not only took 1st place in their division they also took the grand championship. If you look closely Caitlin is holding the "Trophey Cup" in her left hand. Congratulations girls...!!! (If you double-click on a photo it will come up in a different window...larger. Caitlin is to the far left in the group photo. Use arrows to scroll up or down or right to left to see the entire photo. Then click back to return to the blog.)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Ring...!!!

The boy done good...!!! It's just what she wanted... He was paying attention! :-)